Saturday, April 11, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes.....

Since the Easter weekend is upon us, I thought I would share a couple stories about Ryan and his concept of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
I was in the kitchen one day, and Jason had just walked outside. We were disagreeing about something.(As a disclaimer, the disagreement was over something very small) So, I was mumbling, talking, whatever you want to call it, under my breath. Ryan walks in the room with Emily following shortly behind. He asked, "Mommy, who are you talking to?". I answered, "Ahhh, no one." Ryan softly bent down to Emily's ear and said, "Shhh Emily, mommy is talking to Jesus!" My heart instantly smiled!! I then told Jason that he was off the hook at whatever I was upset with him about. Isn't it funny that I forgot in an instant what I was upset about because my son gave me a new perspective.
The second story just happened a couple days ago. It was after supper and Ryan was buck naked using the bathroom waiting to jump into the shower. He yelled "Mom", just like he does 199 times a day, so I went to see what he wanted.
Ryan: "Mom, do you know I love you, and daddy, and Grant, and Emily more than I do my new birthday toys?"
Me: "Well Ryan, thank you, that is so sweet and thoughtful!"
Ryan: "But Mom, Jesus loves you more than I do. He died on the cross for you. Did you know that?"
Me: "Yes, I did know that."
Ryan: "Mom, I bet Jesus' mom cried when he died on the cross and went to heaven."
Me: "Yes, she did, Ryan. And do you know that is what I think of when I want to cheat on what I gave up for Lent?"
Ryan: "Yep, Mom. I gave up my most favorite candy, Reece's cups. All for Jesus, Mom. All for Jesus!
Remember this conversation took place with Ryan in his birthday suit and me sitting on the edge of the bathtub. It is times like these that I just want to freeze frame and remember forever. The moments where my kids "get" what our Saviour did for us. It makes my heart smile! I absolutley love it when my kids humble me to the simplest of details. As adults and parents, we tend to stress over little and big things. When your child can bring it full circle and into perspective for you, "Blessed" is the word that comes to mind! I know there are days when I question if I am a good Christian, wife, mother, daughter, friend. I think God answers me by giving me stories like these.
John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son..."


  1. That is too precious Lee made me smile :) Happy Easter!

  2. So well said. You are an amazing Christian mother, wife, daughter and of course, friend. You are an inspiration! Love you!
