Friday, March 20, 2009

My 3 Men

My 3 men: Where do I begin? When I think of 3 men, many things come to mind. One being an infamous line, a popular Christmas hymn, and on a lighter note, a hiliarious sit-com. But all kidding aside, there is only ONE thing that always pops into my head when I look at them: they are MY 3 men!! God has blessed me in so many ways. First, in putting Jason and I together. Many would say we are polar opposites, he is quiet and I am not, he is tall and I am not, and he loves cold spaghetti and I do not. But at the end of the day, we are best friends. When life has thrown us some curve balls, and let me tell you, life has. He has been my rock of strength, courage and love. A wise person once told me that after all the "honeymoon" time is over in a relationship, after all the newness wears off, and the reality of everyday, mundane life takes over that love is a CHOICE. At first, I didn't quite agree. But now that I look at our life, I do choose to love my husband/best friend with all my heart and soul everyday..... but he makes it so easy!

Becoming a mother in one simple word made me "complete". I know everyone has heard the cliches about motherhood "not thinking you could love another human being that much". Believe you me, I was a labor and delivery nurse. I was blessed to have a wonderful job that got to witness the miracle of life on a daily basis. Everyday I would dream and try to imagine how it would be when I was laying in that bed about ready to experience the wonderful gift of new life. I knew watching those precious children being born made me yearn to be a mother even more. But I had NO idea how many overwhelming feelings one experiences when that baby is laid upon your tummy and told he is yours! It's almost indescribable!!! WOW!! Grant James is my first born. He's 9 1/2. He is quiet, but funny at the same time. He has brown dark eyes that are to die for. I used to have people come up to me in the store and tell me how beautiful his eyes were or that he looked like the Gerber baby. His intelligence scares me and Jason at times, and hopes he uses it to his full potential. He is genuinely kindhearted and loving. Sometimes, when the mood hits us, he and I just go lay on the bed and talk for hours. That is probably my most favorite time with him, especially since he is getting older.
Ryan Joseph is my middle child getting ready to turn 6. Jason and I always kid and say, "Ryan was the middle child before he was the middle child". His wittiness and facial expressions can put you on the floor rolling in seconds. Ryan has an inate love for sports. At 3 years old, all he wanted to do was to go outside and throw a ball up against the house and catch it. He is strong-willed, but at the same time, is a big ole teddy bear. His smile is infectious, and he never meets a stranger!! And on any given day, if I am down or stressed about something, he can single-handidly make my frown go away!!

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